Contact Us / Ladder Coordinators
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If you any changes or corrections to ladder information, correct a score reported online or called into:
Please call 515-327-0245 or email Brandon Willett:
GDMTA Board Members
Alan Reed, President 556-5217
Nina Pack, Vice President 554-1817
Mark Schmidt, Secretary 277-7075
Rich Heil, Treasurer/Scholarship Coordinator 240-2802
Brandon Willett, Ladder Secretary 778-1502
Willow Bauer 779-6480
Mike Boyer 712-389-4346
Anil Jha 319-551-2191
Anthony Forcucci 201-2852
Ladder Coordinators
Open Singles: Anil Jha
Age Singles: Anthony Forcucci
Open Doubles: Brandon Willett
Women's Doubles: Michael Boyer
Women's Singles: Anil Jha
Mixed Doubles: Brandon Willett
Website Issues
If you are having trouble viewing the Ladder lists on this website from work, it may be blocked by your employer's server security. Please contact Anil Jha if you notice any issues with the website. Please feel free to make any improvement suggestions for this website.
Please contact Brandon Willett if you notice any issues with the ladder ranking or need a correction on match scores.